

這個充電器在今年夏天真的派上用場了。它適合老公的 iPhone 和我的三星。我對 Samsubg 有疑問,它總是告訴我從充電端口拔掉充電器,因為無論我們是在游泳池還是在海灘,還是只是從外面很熱到裡面很冷,都會檢測到濕氣,從而導致凝結。當它不讓我更換手機時,這很困難,但我當然不想把它搞砸。這款磁鐵充電器可以避免嘗試充電時出現的所有錯誤訊息或問題,並且可以在我們的設備之間互換,因此它確實是一個方便的救星!它還是一個快速充電器,因此可以毫無問題地快速為您的設備充電!會得到更多,超值!

我正在尋找適合我的 iPhone 和 Apple Watch 的床頭櫃充電器。這款充電器非常適合我的使用情況。沒有折疊部件,只有放置我的蘋果設備的靜態區域。
MagSafe 為我的 iPhone 充電的能力很強,可以讓我的手機保持在原位。手錶充電器位於頂部,方便操作。耳塞位於手機後方。

這款雙埠 USB-PD 充電器的優點之一是將 65W 功率分為 45 和 20W。這使其成為筆記型電腦 (45W) 和手機 (20W) 的緊湊型旅行充電器的理想選擇。其他一些充電器的功率分配約為 50-50(30 和 30W),這意味著使用兩個連接埠會導致筆記型電腦充電速度慢得多。
然而,這種優勢也有一個弱點,因為這意味著如果其中一台筆記型電腦在充電之前需要至少 30W 的功率(即 HP Spectre X360 14),則您無法同時運行 2 台筆記型電腦/為其充電。

緊湊型雙埠 USB-PC 充電器
物有所值。充電時指示燈始終亮起並在藍色和綠色之間閃爍。燈可以關掉,如果你不喜歡的話,那就很好。我沒有 EarPods,所以無法測試該功能。 Apple Watch 的充電速度與一般手錶充電器一樣快。我的 iPhone 上有一個可以進行磁力充電的保護殼,我不確定如果沒有它,這是否還能正常工作。我建議對該產品的唯一改進是使用更重的底座以提高穩定性,並在底部使用更多/更大的防滑材料。只有4個小角防滑片。

I'm extremely satisfied with the SNAPStation Pro 23W 4-in-1 Magnetic Qi Wireless Charging Station. It's a convenient and efficient way to keep all my devices charged and organized. The magnetic feature is a game-changer, and the charging status lighting is a helpful addition. If you're looking for a high-quality wireless charging station, I highly recommend this product.

Must-Have for Tech Enthusiasts
This charger has really come in handy this Summer. It fits both the hubby's iPhone and my Samsung. I have issues with the Samsubg always telling me to unplug the charger from the charging port because moisture is detect3d whether we were at the pool or thr Beach or just went from it being hot outside to ice cold inside with thr ac on causing condensation. It's difficult when it won't let me change my phone but of course I don't want to mess it up. This magnet charger avoids all those error messages or issues when trying to charge it and its interchangeable between our devices so it's really a convenient lifesaver! It's also a fast charger so it charges up your device speedily with no issues! Will get more, great value!

Nice charger and works with both our Apple and our Samsung!
I was looking for a nightstand charger for my iPhone and Apple Watch. This charger is perfect for my use case. No folding parts, just static areas to place my apple devices.
The MagSafe charge for my iPhone is strong and keep my phone in place. The watch charger sits right up top for easy handling. And the earbuds sit behind the phone.
Very good design. Space saving. Good power throughput.
Highly recommended.

Julio Giraldo
Nice charger.
Not a bad product for the money. Light stays on all the time and flashes between blue and green while charging. Light can be turned off which is nice if that’s not your thing. I don’t have EarPods so I was not able to test that feature. Apple Watch charges as fast as a normal watch charger. I have a protective case on my iPhone that allows for magnetic charging, I’m not certain this would work without it. The only improvements I would suggest for this product would be a heavier base for stability and more/larger non-slip material on the bottom. There are only 4 small corner non-slip pieces.

Nice for the money
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